SubmitShop UK FAQ

How Should i send my order details ?

After the payments process completed, you will be redirected automatically to order form page, you can also send order details by contact form. In case you donot get redirected to the order form please email at your details and the account manager will get in touch with you.

How can I make payments ?

You can pay by Paypal as well as by credit card. If you need custom invoice, Please contact us.

Are the prices on the site final prices or any other charges are there ?

There are no hidden charges. The prices on the site are the final prices. There will not be any additional VAT, GST or any other sort of additional cost.

Are all work of submissions like social bookmarks, directory submissions, article submissions done manually ?

We are proud to say that we donot make use of any kind of software for any of our works. We do all work by hand. All our submissions are hand submitted and no kind of software is used at anytime. Since we do all the submissions be it directory submission, article submission, social bookmarking, guest blog submissions manually we choose the right category for each site which in turn increases our acceptance level.

How do we get the reports and what will be reported to you ?

What makes us different from others is that in our reports we donot give you the homepage urls of the directories but instead we give you the exact category page where the submissions have been done. The benefit of this is that later on it is easy to locate the acceptance in the particular category and additionally when you get the reports you can see and check for yourself that the submissions have been done in the right category.

Now the next part of this question is how we send you the reports. Well we have an online progress reporting ticket system. The moment we receive any order we open a ticket there on the email id used while making the payment. The whole progress made on the orders is reported on this ticket. The client also has the option of writing his review or make any comment on the ticket itself. So in end the whole history of the order is on the ticket and you can check the same anytime. Additionally emails from the ticket system are also received by the client in his email box.

Do you have any special pricing or reporting method for SEO outsourcing clients ?

Yes we can give special prices for bulk orders and we can provide the white label reports to seo outsourcing companies, agencies and individuals. We have qualified team who are apt at handling bulk orders of any quantities.

 Will SubmitShop UK help the client in his on page optimization work ?

Yes we help our clients in every way possible. If you need any help or guidance with regards to your on page set up you can ask your account manager for any type of assistance and he/she will do the needful. If you require any major changes then you can opt for the paid versions of the services the quote for which is given on individual inquiry as per the site requirements.

What should be the title and description like when filling the order forum ?

Description should be between 200-250 characters and should be descriptive in nature without been promotional and nor should it have any contact details.

As for the title it should

  • Not be one word title.
  • It should not be in capital words
  • It should give essence about your website
  • Adjective like top, best etc should be avoided
  • It can be your brand name

What if I have already taken your service for my website and I want to repeat. Would I get different set of sites for submissions and links ?

Yes you can be rest assured. At SubmitShop Uk we keep record of all work we have done for a particular client and when the client orders repeat services for the same website we make sure that fresh set of directories or sites are given to the client. Additionally we also have the provision that if you have ordered services from someone else before and now want to order the same services with us you can send us the list of submissions done before to us and we make sure not to include those sites in the new work which we will be doing for you.


If you would like us to include some more Faqs which you think will be helpful for you and others then do email your questions at and we will include the same here.